Quest! Adventure Game story writers

Quest! Adventure Game is an exciting social emotional learning tool that helps kids generalize pro-social behavior and meet social pragmatic goals. This tabletop role playing game uses fun, interesting narratives that encourage kids to use creative problem solving and teamwork to overcome challenges as a group.

Our creative writing team contribute stories that facilitators can use to guide the participants through the game.

Meet the writing team!
Ally SulenticMaster of Lore
Seth CallinaEditing
Sara RodriguesWriter for Quest! Fairy Tails
Reyanne Cadima
Reyanne CadimaWriter for Quest! Fairy Tails
Jamie Roballo
Jamie RoballoWriter for Quest! Heroes of Nevinia
Luke Callina
Luke CallinaWriter for Quest! Heroes of Nevinia
Janet Womack
Janet WomackWriter for Quest! Champions of Endhaven
Janet Womack
Janet WomackWriter for Quest! Champions of Endhaven
Hadley Frost
Hadley FrostWriter for Quest! Legends
Arthur Velwest
Arthur VelwestWriter for Quest! Legends